the glass shatters.
hitting the steaming pavement
and skidding for future.
a brighter future.
the jagged line down the center of your heart will heal.
your brokenness will leave.
give me time to heal.
give me time to breathe mountains.
give me time to live for pure,
moments that make your skin shiver.
the glass is still reaching for future.
cutting pavement.
what if the scars would vanish,
leaving only beautiful.
what if happiness was only here,
with the sun.
what if your smile wasn't contagious,
leaving a world of darkness.
what if all of this heals.
& it will.
& it did.
& here we are,
basking in beautiful scars of happiness,
overflowing this bright world of smiles.
living optimism.
what if camping wasn't free,
stealing the tranquil contentment
of only nature & I.
what if the girl with the golden heart,
didn't have a heart of gold.
what if the sun rays
asked questions
that were to hard to answer.
what if I always felt this peace.
thankyou jesus.
what even.
what if.