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ginger lyric

to my struggling honey child.

i know why you hurt.

my tears scatter across the road

and i stomp on them with my boots

throwing handfulls of anger down

my finger tips tracing the wet line running down your tired cheeks.

i will whisper my wishes to you

give it all to that jesus man.

give him the wheel.

lay down the emotion

that is rototilling over this green world.

i will continue to stare back at the stars

i will continue to pray for you.

I want to watch your tears evaporate into the sky

I want to see your face glowing with sun

and with happy

I want to take the tired from your blue eyes

I want to give you positive energy

& honey child if i could I would take your hurt

hurl it over the edge if table mountain

watch it crash into the past

& never come back

i want to fill you with only bright future

fill you with thoughts full of happy

all those things i cant do

& you cant do it alone

but God can

if you make up your mind & ask him to help

you will succeed

maybe your problems will still be there

but you can have problems and still be strong

& you can still be positive

you can still love life

don't let problems pull you down

“A glad heart makes a happy face;

a broken heart crushes the spirit.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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