he touches her shoulder. the moment slips away. & is gone. together they walk away from the place. the place of misty far in the distance dreams.
it's seems the suitcase filled with these emotions has fallen & all that is left is the empty feeling of your chair being vacant. she watches his back fade into the fog & the tears come.
somewhere beneath this is more.
turning around she flings her arms around the equines neck & sobs. wishing for more of that love. lifting her high into the clouds. & knowing she has to wait.
& he reaches down & steadies her.
telling her to be patient.
this ink is for her today.
monday thankfuls.
the moon. the last couple days wow. jessi definitely gets dramatic over pretty moons. she is clearly a GO LOOK @ THE MOON type of female. clay & colleen got married. & they are happppyyyy. toews christmas. such joy involved. we are blessed. Buckley's. my duet sunday night was saved by buckley's. DEFINITELY RECOMMEND. that my life is full of hard physical work. somehow I manage to NOT lose weight even if I work hard. Christmas goodies much. new dresses. Dakota's new puppy. my parents. aka my lifesavers. these writing club friends all these calves & animals that i adore.