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ginger lyric

music on the hill

the old ladies wrinkled hands play the keys.


teardrop like notes.

seeping emotion through lyrics,

& twisting them like vines around my tired heart.

her curly white hair is nodding

in time with the music.

it is holding me.

reminding me,

there are still soft & beautiful things.

safe things.

her shoulders are shaking now,

but she keeps going.

the words hitting my chest

& running through my veins

mixing with my blood

stealing my sadness.

it's been a while friends.

& blogging has been the lowest on the list.

I feel like life has been blowing by

like a paper airplane lost in an alberta wind.

so much paper work and testing for my daddy.

& then off he goes,

on that big lufthansa plane.

across the sea.

to germany.

that rhymed.

I am a sheltered lass.

I know because to watch my favourite daddy

limp slowly through customs,

away from me,

broke my heart.

& other hearts break from much worse.

but knowing he was in so much pain. and alone.

& then to do it all over again for my mom.

this house will be dark & quiet while thier gone.

visitors welcome.

every tiny sound will echo



is no more sound.

my black horse cut his leg again.

yes honey it's the third time.

the beautiful athlete doesn't learn.

so my days consist of being sad I cant ride him.

there's always all the others tho.

but black makes me proud.

whenever i'm happy life is so good.

whenever i'm sad all I think about is that my parents are far away & that I miss you.

the evening is fleeing my presence.

I am left alone with my animals.

& once again,

you are not here to keep my company.

p.s. please pray for my daddy's surgery.

(my mountain time) at 2:00 am. this night.

jesus is holding the surgeon & daddy.

I am trusting.

the mountains are still watching - ginger


ginger lyric
ginger lyric
Aug 27, 2020

I have angels for friends. 👼🏻


marissa smith
marissa smith
Aug 27, 2020

Prayin for you. Love ya😍


amy claire
amy claire
Aug 27, 2020


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