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ginger lyric

maroon ♡

my friend who is always there to listen when i need her. and when she walks into the room, everybody sits straighter because there is now sunshine filling every corner. her blonde curly hair reaches for the floor, & her smile is contagious. i love her because of all that. & i love her because of so many more reasons. but my blog would probably crash if i told u all of them. there is something about that girl that is pure gold.

she is gifted.

i miss her.


my kindred spirits. my hearts that understand.

i am lonely for you.

thoughts fall,

landing heavy on fresh snow

& going on through the snow & into the mud. making a dark blotch on the white ground.

i kick, hoping to cover the spot up, throwing snow and ice across.

i curse the spot.

my frustration spooks the horse & his head jerks back.

looking back into his eyes,

resting my hand on the silky black head.

i whisper, sorry river.

his eyes close, my hand on his head.

& now my eyes closed.

the purity of just this moment.

to let go of the balloon & let it fly. to forget the fear. the apprehension. this havoc, our world is experiencing, is only a mere distraction of what the real purpose of our time here is.

river is nibbling my sleeve now, reminding me that we were walking to the barn.

i thankfully watch the balloon sail into the clouds, kick another puff of snow, & continue.

i am happy now.

the mountains are still watching - ginger


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