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ginger lyric

jenna charlotte

maybe he made this feeling so we needed mercy. the tears. that big rock in your throat. watching as your favourite human grows up way to fast and the love hurting so much. she drives away the dust behind red tail lights. standing by the window & the face wet with the love. & then God telling you. you won’t always have her. she will be gone soon. & your heart rips. she will be gone soon. he touches your chest trying to heal the wound that was just created. as the swirling colour of night and tears spirals up to the high pointed ceiling. she turns. defeated. jesus hold her on this trip. bless her as she struggles to be as a child. to be like you. with childlike faith.

take me back to the reason why.

to your brighter side.

don’t leave me behind.

take me back to the big sky.

take me back to the reason why..

i’m lost without u.


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