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ginger lyric

I will bow to this life.

if the grass will bow,

so will I.

if the birds sing,

so will I.

& I will forever praise this life.

I will forever be thankful.

the herd of cows on the hill,

lift thier heads.

the group of cowboys trot,

stories bouncing.

ropes swinging.

the black horse beneath me,

most beautiful.

glossy black body,

summer sun shining off his neck.

I am proud of him.

I am proud of his mind.

I am proud of his fínese.

he makes me feel beautiful.

the wind blows my hair.

the wind blows his mane.

the grass bows with the wind.

the birds sing.

we praise this life.

music of fringes.

music of spurs.

music of bawling calves,

of ropes whistling through the mountain air.

music of this cowboy life.

& if the grass will bow,

to this life,

so will I.

thank you God.

♡ ginger.


ginger lyric
ginger lyric
May 27, 2020

thanks peachy ♡


May 27, 2020

Yes ginger. This is one of your finer pieces. It is full of poignancy. ‘If the grass will bow, so will I’. Lovely line.


ginger lyric
ginger lyric
May 27, 2020

jamie houses a beautiful soul.


May 26, 2020

so will i.🧡

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