the rain is dripping from the red hip roof barn.
I am sitting here in my faded levis
I feel really tall
I feel big
my childhood has slipped from my grasp
revealing future
my feet reach the stirrups
& my hand reaches my daddies hand
this is normal
but I am so in love with you.
so in love with this time of life
so in love with your laughter
your late night phone calls
of only our kindred spirits
braiding into the night.
to be one with the land
drink it's waters
to sleep in the shadows,
of its dancing trees
to smell the new
to bond with the hearts
it has given
I am falling.
& time is slipping
but not fast enough
my childhood has slipped from my grasp
revealing future
my feet reach the stirrups
& my hand reaches my daddies hand