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ginger lyric



long dark hours alone.

drink water.

30 minute check.

drink more water.


look at the clock and realize only a few minutes have passed.



i go to bed at 6

and sleep till 1

and then lay in the sun till it gets cold

and then play volleyball.


its a good life.

im too proud to say that i'm enjoying nights.

but i almost did before larae got here.

and then since shes here they weren't lonely or boring

but i did just wish that we could be hiking and things.

my eyes are burning.

i need sleep.

we got a 4 pound baby.

im so in love.

he is in my arms, to be more precise hands, every second possible

his head is the size of my palm.

at the start i was scared of him and almost hated him

he scared me

too tiny

but yes he stole my heart

(if any of you wondered i got told not to say names ever)

(but i dont think this baby's name suites him so i call him baby bennet)

little 3 year old girl gives me a backrub.

little 3 year old boy sneakily drinks my water

and then gives me a perfect guilty curious george face.

the sun rise is pink.

theres been alot of action lately.

kids coming and going alot

so yay prayers are being answered.

and this preemy.


hes on my chest this very second.

so im clumsily typing with one hand.

larae went to bed at 6.

and i get to in 15 mins.

and then baby bennet goes to hiedi.

i dont have any pretty thoughts.

red eyelids.

hungry for sleep.

slow fingers.

frizzy hair.

dont care.



chew on it.



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