my favourite kind.
my sleep holds me till the sun is hot on my face.
but there's nothing
to pull me from my linens
except the sun
& the dog
& the beautiful life God has given us
so I climb down my ladder
& sit in the morning sun
the breeze cold
the dog brings me a stick
I throw it far
her paws skidding through wet dirt to catch it
raspberry jam on my bagel
sun & breeze on my bagel
sun on the dogs red hair
sun on my red hair
I whisper to jesus my thanks
I whisper to him to be with all who have trouble
thankyou for sun
thankyou for pretty dogs
& pretty friends
the dog licks raspberry jam off my plate
I want everyday to feel slow like this one
but they won't
life is fast
there's bears to feed
horses to ride
friends to shop with
friends to call
maybe in heaven we can live slow
lay in the sun slow
raspberry jam slow
my toes in the dirt
cold & welcoming
my hair tangled in the wind
I want to run with my horse
I want to be a wild feminine
I want to sit on my porch & think these thoughts
till the moon falls
I wish for u
a day like mine
xo. ginger.