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ginger lyric


it's like the things that have been happening in my heart have injured the words that are running towards my soul. they don't appear on my paper. the sadness & confusion mixed in with the happiest days of my whole life. these sad thoughts being turned into happy thoughts. because i am here in this moment. and this moment is so good.

my neigh. you have brought joy to this. you are joy. these mountains looming and this latte. with this music and this pizza. and these funny friends. the smile so strong breaking all walls of this big valley. because you are joy. hands holding fingers & laughter echoing thru this tiny white jeep. i love it.

& when we run down trails. the big rocks flashing past our sandals kicking up the dry dust. we forget our tears. we forget confusing love and friends dropping out of our lives. & alone we circle the moon breathing in star dust. the rosy shining faces lighting up the sky and tracing fingers across your face.

wiping tears. we are happy.


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