fire crackling.
everyone has messy hair.
head bands tight around curls.
the stars bright.
the camp kitchen warm.
the lake shining silver with ice.
sleeping bags in a row.
where is the moon?
the fresh year of 2 0 2 0 has begun.
i have such amazing feelings ... called i must be so old. i was born in 2001 and it's already 2020? the years fly by.
& then they ask me.
what are your new years resolutions?
my first thoughts are things like, live in the moment, be healthy, make money, you know ..
& then i decided to try & be more creative.
make buckets listens & truly do them.
i have done that a lot in my life, made bucket lists. & did some of the items.
that's fun when you succeed your goals.
does that make sence.
i guess perhaps bucket lists & new years resolutions are kina the same. anyways.
my bucket list for 2020.
(i want to get these done. but some of them are a touch unrealistic.)
⁃ teach.
⁃ walk on my hands
⁃ be more of a witness for our church
⁃ go on a southern beach trip with friends
this is too hard and i'm not feeling inspired.