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ginger lyric


cuz those mountains. those moments of running fast with these wild horses. chasing wild cows. over those falling trees. worn by this life that is pushing us over these bridges.

that music with those real words. dreaming of same stars. to many miles away. the fire crackling nostalgic words through your small head & the tear falls. the mountains so big. making your heart pound. with awe. struck by majesty. the lake so smooth. so many words softly skimming the surface. these friends on either side.

will we ever have this again. these laughs. good. quality. times. this land that is for us too bask in the insane wonders that the creator presented. these times of brushing our teeth under looming mountains & spitting laughter & foam into the mountain water. the circle of trees above u with that one star. i think maybe that star is God. watching us. keeping us safe. he always does right.

you are loved. & nothings gunna change that.

the feeling of being blessed.

p.s. thanks for giving me humans like jenna & tanjo.

p.p.s. thanks for nature. & peace of mind.

p.p.p.s. & for text messages that make me smile.

because this time in my life will be over. soon.

my kindred spirits will leave me.

the horses i love will die. there will be more.

the friends i love will get married.

i might not live by this lake all my life.

but these thoughts are sad. & this day i am happy. even if these thoughts are true. i am happy.

God has given us this love.

mornings bring eggs & sun. the water takes your breathe away & your head drips cold onto freckled skin. slathered oil. hot sun. some rain. reminding us that we ARE in canada. but the mountains big are faithful. keeping our hearts beating.

& she can't get her small clementine off her mind. that adorable soul this is missing out on this beautifulnessss.


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